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"I lost four dress sizes!"



Crying in the dressing room 
As a child, other children made fun of Louise because she was so skinny, so she never thought she would be fat. Although she gained weight with each passing decade, Louise still felt good and looked good until age 50. Then at 50, "I suddenly found myself very fat," says Louise. Louise finally recognized that it was fat when she began to mourn in a store dressing room when she tried to get in a size 16.


Another "fad diet?" As a nurse, Louise knew that being overweight was not healthy, but she was skeptical of diet products. Finding Herbalife in desperation, Louise was surprised that "the shakes were delicious, I had more energy and I did not starve!" Louise lost 40 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 8.


Advantage: Healthy, and no more allergies!
Using Herbalife's weight loss program, Louise lost inches without a formal exercise program. Now Louise is in excellent health, and as an advantage, "I found I could breathe without taking allergy medicine I had taken for 15 years!"


First Motivation: "I never want to be fat again!" Diet Tip: "Do not let yourself get hungry. Try to eat light and healthy." Favorite activity: playing basketball and walking.

Before: 85.7 kg
After: 67.5 Kg
Lost: 18.2 Kg
*The weight loss testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical..